proof vatican owns corporate united states

proof vatican owns corporate united states

The only mention of the IRS appears in 31 U.S.C. 41, #180 (1976) states: The terms Director, Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division has been replaced by the term Internal Revenue Service.. Chip Tatum, an associate of George HW Bush and the Bush family in the CIAs Operation Pegasus, documents assassinations planned by Jeb Bush to protect the cocaine importing network that the Bush family was running. The U.S. has always been and remains a Crown (Roman Catholic Pope) colony. This Act created the Federal governments first trust fund, Trust Fund #1 (US Code 31, Sec. IRS Service Publication 6209 lists computer code TC 150 for Virgin Island returns, and Codes 300-398 are listed as US and UK Tax Treaty claims for taxes on narcotics that are financed in the Cayman Islands and imported into the Virgin Islands. This bond that represents the date of your birth is known as your birth certificate. The good 'ol USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Crown and a full-blown Corporation. The Holy Sees Membership in International Organizations. The video below does an excellent job of exposing the fraud of the legal system and the criminal activities of the United States, Inc. A must watch for anyone who wants to learn how to restore humanitys freedom. It doesn't take a lot of effort to find people claiming the . William Cooper: We have been betrayed by those we trusted. Question everything everything. Consistently the due process afforded to us by our Constitution is completely violated, with property and records being confiscated so that Americans are helpless to defend themselves against the IRS and their weapons. The content in block quotation is an excerpt from my second seminar on Natural Law. According to the book titled You Know Something Is Wrong When An American Affidavit of Probable Cause, the three different forms of the United States are the Continental United States, the Federal United States, and the Corporate United States. The United States Supreme Court held unconstitutional hundreds of laws enacted by Congress over the course of five decades that included a legislative veto of executive actions in INS v. Chada, 462 U.S. 919 (1982). Dean Clifford, Kurt Kallenbach, and Santos Bonacciare three other brave souls who are doing an excellent job of exposing the NWO and the legal system. The Transhumanist Agenda & Its relationship to pedophile and ritual child sacrifice networks world wide. As described in the book The Great American Adventure: The Secrets of America. Bush to take care of Seal present during a meeting between Oliver North, Felix Rodrguez, Amiram Nir and General Alvarez from Honduras, when North stated that Vice President Bush was going to have his son Jeb arrange something out of Colombia. The Philippine Customs Administrative Act was passed by the Philippine Commission between 1900 to 1902. This happens because he swore an oath to the foreign UNITED STATES INCORPORATED and the foreign organization that controls it. This criminal corporation is committing crime against humanity in the name of religion.. Citizens rights were taken from them in this process. The United States, Inc. is committing crime against humanity by unlawfully going to war with other countries in the name of freedom and democracy. What it is actually doing is spreading its franchise throughout the world, similar to Walmart and McDonalds. However, both the IRS (Puerto Rico Trust #62) and BATF, are listed as entities to be audited by the Controller General and both are referred to as having office(s) in Puerto Rico. When they did the broker deal to get the loan from the Vatican, they did so via the Bank of London. Which Waters Are Federally Controlled? It was established through a loan from the Vatican when D.C. was transferred into a city-state, and this corporate entity then ruled over the people. Some people claimed that the United States, Inc. was sold in 2013 and is now known as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. Genocide Iraq ~ 17,073 Muslim Sunnis Have Been Murdered By Muslim Brotherhoods ISIS In 2014. Federalists used these corporate practices to frame a government that united seeming irreconcilablesa government energetic yet limited, republican yet mixed, popular yet antipopulistyielding a corporate solution to the problem of arbitrary rule. You are also mostly made of water. One of the first steps to free humanity is to educate people about the New World Order and the legal system. The Vatican is in the middle of all this corruption, which is why all roads tend to lead to Rome, home of the Vatican. The elite have long relied upon our not knowing the truth and not knowing what to do. 1997 NO.1778 The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 Made 22nd of July 1997 coming into force 1st September 1997. One example is the Sovereigns (the People) right to travel, which has now been transformed (under corporate government policy) into a privilege that requires citizens to be licensed drivers licenses and Passports. The FEDs taxation of the people of the United States violates the protection our forefathers assured through our Constitution: that historical document created solely to check an out-of-control Federal Government. Furthermore, the governments of all federal territories are specifically excluded from the definition of a federal agency by Act of Congress (5 U.S.C. PROOF Vatican Owns Corporate UNITED STATES: 10/07/10: 5: Lakota Indians Establish Their Own Country Within the United States: 02/13/08: 6: United States Corporation (1876 - a Privately-owned Corporation is Founded THAT IS NOT The United States of America, being the Republic) The Act: 08/02/21: 7 To be more specific, the politicians working in Washington D.C. and nearly every politician, judge, attorney, police officer, and government agent working throughout the USA are FOREIGN agents. More Proof Of The Bankers Nefarious NWO: The Confidential Memo At The Heart Of The Global Mafia FinancialCrisis. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. It had debt and interest attached. Any audit above that amount must be done by the Controller General. It is important to know that many of the people working for these four criminal corporations are good people. Rothschild banking system to enter the U.S. behind George Washingtons back. These pedophile and child sacrifice infrastructure networks in turn interface with the Monarchies, Vatican Popes & Cardinals, Parliaments, Governments, Courts, Police, Schools, and other networks in a nation such as Belgium. Foggetaboutit. In 1904 another Act was passed that created Trust Fund #2 and was known as The Bureau of Internal Revenue (US Code 31, Sec. The reality about pedophile and ritual sacrifice networks Lankamp reveals in his research and analysis is remarkable and suggests that a prime mover of global pedophile, child sacrifice and child-trafficking networks may have originated as a co-operative enterprise between Draco reptilians and US government/CIA that has the U.S. government MKULTRA entity as a major technological driver. It still, for the most part, operates in secret, because its control is not secure. Given that there is a small group of Global Elite who control all the world's finances, military, and ecclesiastical resources, this would not be too difficult to believe. It's a business, a red-white-and-blue mafia operating under the color of legal weasel words, and it is shaking you down for money, by armed force. It is no different than what the agents of the British Empire did to the American people back in the 1700s. When you are confronted by a Special Agent of the IRS, you are really dealing with a deputized United States Marshall. The United States of America is not a country. IRS lawyers, federal judges and IRS personnel and appointees habitually lie in court cases to perpetuate IRS fraud. The Illuminati (founded by the The Society of Jesus or Jesuits, the largest Roman Catholic Religious Military Order headed by the Black Pope) created the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) in 1919. If you know how the legal system works, you should know that when a name is written in all caps, it can change the meaning of that name. For example, the STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA is not the same as West Virginia State. Nothing reveals this deadly con game against the American people more than the 9/11 false flag and the resulting years of the War on Terror, which is nothing more than a euphemism for a war against the people against our standard of living, against our paychecks, our rights, our health and our safety. Only a small part of 26 U.S.C. It is an agency of the International Monetary Fund which is an agency of the United Nations. Pope . The United States is a foreign corporation pretending to represent the country known as the Continental United States or The United States of America (Major), which is a republic and not a democracy. Washington D.C. or the District of Columbia is also a privately owned foreign corporation. We have become a people ruled by tax laws passed by the rich and for the rich where no law exists that requires taxes to be paid. The Apostolic, or Papal, Palace is one of the most used and beloved pieces of Catholic Church real estate. If you are having trouble viewing the PDF file below, visitthis link. All taxes covered by these laws were for imposts, excise taxes and duties to be collected by the BIR for narcotics, alcohol, tobacco and firearms. Bureau of Internal Revenue Becomes Internal Revenue Service. Your birth certificate is the title of the Soul that they own in their registries. I recommend watching the whole video. Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies, UFOs and more! By 1790 Hamilton and his bankers had created a privately owned central bank and converted the public debt (interest-free) into interest bearing bonds, payable to the bankers. Be aware that the Democracy (the Federal United States) is not the same as the original USA, which is known as the Republic for the United States of America. U.S. Embassy The 2013 Tax Advocate Service annual report bemoans IRS criminal collection practices, which were ruled illegal by Federal courts, but just ignored and continued by the IRS. In 325 CE, the emperor, Constantine the Great, made a donation to his Pope, Sylvester saying, Saint Peter is the Apostle of Jesus of whom Jesus gave this kingdom of Earth to, therefore we are going to claim taxes. We pay taxes to Rome, the Khazarian and Venetian Black Nobility elite families based on a fictional document from Constantine issued the year of the First Council of Nicea and the creation of what has become modern day Christianity. Please note: This articleoriginally appeared on here on SOUND FAMILIAR? Because of a decree written by Pope Nicholas V in 1455, the RCC owns everything, Even what you think you might own such as your car, house or even the pair of shoes you are wearing belongs to the RCC (in their twisted minds). Since 1871 the United States president and the United States Congress has been playing politics under a different set of rules and policies. It is becoming increasingly apparent to American citizens that government is no longer being conducted in accordance with the U.S. Constitution, or, within states, according to state constitutions. The federal government created the clever lie that this tax applied to all Americans by sending out tax form 1040 to everyone. The IRS is not an agency of the Federal Government. Be aware that this is not only limited to West Virginia. 85 Billionaires Equals Wealth Of Poorer 3.5 Billion Souls: Poverty Spreads As Wealth Accumulates ~ Time To AntitrustCurrency! The purpose of liquidating you is to turn you into capital money. The word capital comes from the Latin word capitalis, which means of the head, hence capital, chief, first. It also comes from another Latin word caput, which translates to English as head.. The Inner City of London (Westminster). In September of 2007 (at the age of 25), I created my first blog You see Alexander Hamilton could afford to say anything noble as he just assisted. The Lawsuit That Could End the Bankster Rule of Western Civilization, HISTORY Not Now Taught in Public Schools The Cover-Up of the Truth. When Tatum later heard Seal had died, he immediately understood who was behind the killing. But the founders made changing the Constitution difficult, to say the least. This is why your legal name on your drivers license, social security card, and birth certificate is written in all caps. No one realized this. An artificial person is also a corporation, as stated in Blacks Law Dictionary 6th edition. The idea that we have choices when it comes to electing presidential candidates is an illusion. History Day: Corporate America, its a little more accurate than you know. I have not found evidence to back up this claim, so I do not know if it is true. United States 04/07/2015 10:14 AM While the U.S. Department of Justice has the power of attorney to represent federal agencies in federal court, it has no legal authority to represent the IRS since it is not a legal agency. Prior to 1991, the Business Master File in 6209 was U.S.-U.K. Tax Claims, non-refile DLN. It was established through a loan from the Vatican when D.C. was transferred into a city-state, and this corporate entity then ruled over the people. And for 95 years the United States people were free and independent. It would appear now from the evidence this over-all enterprise driving the global pedophile, child sacrifice and child-trafficking networks can be termed the driving force behind The Transhumanist Agenda or the New World Order. My main goal is to empower you with knowledge that is beyond the conventional paradigm to help free your mind and increase your spiritual well-being to a whole new level. This is what happens to a nation when its people become ignorant, take freedom for granted, ignore the actions of politicians, and do not study their history. Business Hours are "24/7". Passed by Congress for the years 1943 to 1944, the Victory Tax Act duped patriotic Americans into paying taxes to support winning World War II. No one opposed or even so much as challenged it. With the new insights that the pedophile and child sacrifice networks provide an important foundation infrastructure to the Transhumanist Agenda, the Transhumanist War Crimes Tribunal in Brussels takes on a whole new perspective and role. They have registered you and that is the title to your Soul. POTUS governs w/a Board of Directors (cabinet officials) and managers (Senators and Congressmen/women). One Federal court has passed on some of the fraudulent ratification issues (but no Federal court has passed on all of these fraudulent issues), and it has declared that it is enough for a Secretary of a State to fraudulently report a ratification that in fact never occurred! The Act of 1871 became the FOUNDATION of all the treason since committed by government officials. The charter guaranteed future German Roman Catholic Kings/Queens of England would have sovereign authority over all citizens and colonized land in America. This is why when you go to court, there is always an agent that represents the Crown and a judge wearing a black robe. The RCC killed these people due to their need to control humanity. No one realized this. And Whereas: Congress adopted the text of the federal constitution as the constitution or charter of this municipal corporation. Barack Obama, as others before him, is POTUS operating as vassal king taking orders once again from The Crown through the RIIA (Royal Institute of Intl Affairs). * Invasion of Dominican Republic 1965-1966, * War in Bolivia (Execution of Che Guevara) 1966-1967, * Operation Ernest Will (Iran-Iraq War) 1977-1978, * Iraq No-Fly Zones (Iraq-Kurdish Conflict) 1991-2003, * Operation Restore Hope (Somali Civil War) 1992-1994, * Operation Uphold Democracy (Haiti) 1994-1995, * Operation Infinite Reach (al-Qaeda) 1998, * War in Afghanistan (War on Terror) 2001-2011 (ongoing), * Operation Enduring Freedom-Philippines (War on Terror) 2002-present, * Operation Enduring Freedom-Horn of Africa (War on Terror) 2002-present, * War in Northwest Pakistan (War on Terror) 2004-present, * War in Somalia (War on Terror and Somali Civil War) 2006-2009, * Operation Enduring Freedom-Trans-Sahara (War on Terror) 2007-present, * Al-Qaeda Insurgency in Yemen (War on Terror) 2010-present, * Lords Resistance Army Insurgency (Africa) 2011-present. U.S. Census Bureau Foreign Trade Statistics (see Vatican City) Hillary Clinton, Bathhouse Barry, & Jeremiah Wright's 'Gay Cover' At Trinity Church: 3 Gays Murdered 'Coup De Gras' Within 6 weeks. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The flag of Washington's District of Columbia has 3 red stars (the 3 stars denoting DC, Vatican City and City of London). Every time you vote, you are giving your consent to be governed by treasonous politicians. If a Person is a Legal Entity, What is Your Identity? The IRS Act of 1939 applied to all taxes and duties collected on trade between US possessions (Philippines, Puerto Rico, District of Columbia, Virgin Islands, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands) and foreign individuals, corporations and governments. 551(1)(C). . Global Elite families control the Vatican and the Corporation (the incorporation of the Apostle Peter). This is what gives the pope or the Vatican the authority in this letter. Since the bull declared that the Roman Pontiff has supreme control over the material world, he states that the body (our body) is governed by the soul and the soul is governed by the ruler of the spiritual, therefore - the Roman Pontiff is Governor of both Soul and body. As has reported, correspondent and investigator Juan Lankamp, whose specialty is crimes of the Elite,[1] sets out an overview of evidence of interconnected MKULTRA, pedophile, ritual child sacrifice, human hunting parties, and abuse networks, and child trafficking networks that are interlinked with the Vatican, the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency); the CIA, Wackenhut, and the Bilderbergers in parliaments, Churches, governments, courts, schools, child welfare institutions and the media. It is composed of legal fiction entities, including but not limited to C corps, S corps, LLCs, non-profits, foundations, and trusts. The inner City of London is committing crime against humanity by engineering economic crises and wars, and funding terrorist groups (i.e., ISIS, Al-Qaeda) throughout the world. Both Hillary and Bill Clinton, according to Juan Lankamps evidence, have participated in ritual child sacrifice and are human blood drinkers. We have been robbed of our money and property. More information about the Holy See is available from the Department of State and other sources, some of which are listed here: CIA World Factbook Holy See Page Not even Stephen King could come up with some of the ways they "tortured and disposed" of people who opposed them. High Noon In America: As 1776 Repeats Itself, In Americas Battle Against The British Monarchys/International BankingCartel, The IRS Has Proven Once Again That They Are A Domestic Terrorist Organization. [you, in your sovereignty]. Have you ever been sent a notice from the District Director to keep records and file a return? Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. America in Fee Simple. At the time there were 48 States. Before I reveal the three different types of citizenship (citizen-ship or citizen of a ship) of the United States, I need to explain to you what the United States is, so that you know it is NOT a country. This treasonous act has unlawfully allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation outside the original constitution of the United States and in total disregard of the best interests of the American citizens. It's a shell game, and they can put the ball wherever they want it to show up just like magic. The entire nation is running in circles and the government heads have resigned. By all accounts, the IRS first puts the money into a Quad Zero account under an Individual Master File, after which time it can apparently do whatever it wants with the money. You can click the "map" link and see a graphic indicating that this "Government" is located on "Capitol Hill" (same place as Congress) in Washington DC. Since his inauguration, Pope Francis has acted as a global advocate for human dignity and justice, placing particular emphasis on the moral imperative of caring for the poor and marginalized. The Act of 1871 passed by Congress created a separate "corporation" known as THE UNITED STATES & corporate government for the District of Columbia. It is agreed that Congress shall earnestly recommend it to the legislatures of the respective states to provide for the restitution of all estates, rights, and properties, which have been confiscated belonging to real British subjects; and also of the estates, rights, and properties of persons resident in districts in the possession on his Majestys arms and who have not borne arms against the said United States. Basically, what it is saying is that all of the Souls in the world belong to the Roman Catholic Church and apparently, at least in theory, they do because no one has dared challenged their claim. The United States is "a Federal corporation". With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia. You should really read the contents at Queen Elizabeth controls and has amended U.S. Social Security, as follows: S.I. The RIIA and CFR set up Round Table Groups (based on the King Arthur myths). It is essential for all Americans to become aware of the history of the IRS and understand how one lie has been compounded by countless other lies to brainwash Americans into paying taxes that they clearly are not liable to pay. From 1870 to 1984, the United States did not have diplomatic relations with the Holy See. The corporations that run every aspect of . In the 1979 case Chrysler v. Brown (441 U.S. 281), the U.S. Supreme Court admitted that, after searching back to the Civil War, no organic Act for the IRS could be found. The U.S. income tax started out only soaking the rich. Benjamin Franklin said, Conditions were so reversed that the era of prosperity had ended and a depression set in to such an extent that the streets of the Colonies were filled with the unemployed! Bank money was like our FED money. The United States maintained consular relations with the Papal States from 1797 to 1870 and diplomatic relations with the Pope, in his capacity as head of the Papal States, from 1848 to 1868, though not at the ambassadorial level. 1321, Article I, Sec. The money then flows to the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and is deposited into the Quad Zero account, which is the account from which the IRS distributes refunds (per 22 U.S.C. If you want more specific information, you may need to order a company credit report from a credit report site, such as To contact me, send me an email using this form or visit me at and It does not! The Roman Catholic Church has a very long history of tyranny and oppression dating back to the very beginning of it's organization. On the uniforms of US troops, in Federal buildings, criminal courts, and even when the US President is giving a speech, the US national flag always displays a gold fringe. The Constitution protects individuals against the abuse of Federal government power by stripping from the FEDsthe power to tax individuals, knowing the power to tax is the power to destroy. The Virginia Company formed two companies. The Vatican Owns Everything. Washington D.C. is NOT part of the USA, just like Vatican City is not part of Italy. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Nearly all politicians in the USA are TREASONISTS, because they swore an oath to a privately owned foreign corporation known as the UNITED STATES INCORPORATED. While people have recognized for more than 150 years that the rich and powerful often corrupt individual officials, or exert undue influence to get legislation passed that favors their interests, most Americans still cling to the naive belief that such corruption is exceptional, and that most of the institutions of society, the courts, the press, and law enforcement agencies, still largely comply with the Constitution and the law in important matters. (LogOut/ 1321) and was administered under the general control of the Secretary of Finance and Justice. No IRS or BATF agent or representative can provide any law, rule or regulation that gives them authority to audit anyone but themselves. If you want proof of this, look at subsections 15 and 15(A) in Title 28 U.S. Code 3002 and you should see this sentence, United States means (A) a Federal corporation. Principal embassy officials are listed in the Departments Key Officers List. Whenever you receive a government document issued to you, 99 percent of the time your legal name on the document is written in all caps. It is a corporation and it is owned by the British Crown. 4). It is not an agency of the Department of Treasury. Tax researcher, Richard Standring (now deceased) believed that the US funds itself with loans from the International Monetary Fund. We are inventory. 214.7). It may be impossible to accurately determine how much American tax dollars have been funneled to the International Monetary Fund, or given away by the Federal Reserve Bank to foreign banks, or how much money the government has illegally siphoned off for black-ops, false flags, payoffs to lobbyists and Congressmen, and for assassinations of presidents (domestic and foreign), scientists and whistleblowers. And that persons of any other description shall have free liberty to go to any part or parts of any of the thirteen United States and therein to remain twelve months unmolested in their endeavors to obtain the restitution of such of their estates, rights, and properties as may have been confiscated; and that Congress shall also earnestly recommend to the several states a reconsideration and revision of all acts or laws regarding the premises, so as to render the said laws or acts perfectly consistent not only with justice and equity but with that spirit of conciliation which on the return of the blessings of peace should universally prevail. The United States is a corporation located in Washington D.C., also known as the District of Columbia. In the book titled You Know Something Is Wrong When.. An American Affidavit of Probable Cause, it says that the Continental United States is composed of now 50 geographically defined states and their living inhabitants. In preparation for stealing America, the puppets of Roman Catholic Popes banking cabal had already created a second government, a Shadow Government designed to manage what the People believed was a democracy, but what really was an incorporated UNITED STATES. Today, of course, The FEDshave slowly inched their tentacles deeper and deeper into the pockets of the US middle class, at a time when the Federal Reserve Bank has decimated the value of the dollar down to fifteen cents. Breaking => Prominent International Lawyer: US President George W. Bush UK Prime Minister Tony Blair Convicted Of Nuremberg Crimes! Furthermore, it teaches you how to help free humanity from its influence. This in effect made the Customs Administrative Act within the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Internal Revenue in the Philippines, merging the two to be responsible for all taxes and excises imposed by this Act import and export excise taxes. Be aware that the name of this corporation is written in ALL CAPS.

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proof vatican owns corporate united states

proof vatican owns corporate united states

proof vatican owns corporate united states

proof vatican owns corporate united states

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