festinger and carlsmith experiment quizlet
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This is the, People are less likely to be susceptible to the foot-in-the-door technique, how far people would go in obeying the command of an authority figure, Social loafing can be explained by the fact that, it is easier for a lazy person to hide laziness when working in a group of people. Sherif's 1936 study of conformity involved, asking participants to report the movement of a single point of light in a darkened room, The Challenger disaster is a classic example of groupthink because, some people knew the shuttle was not OK to launch but did not speak up and therefore disrupt group cohesion, Chris's roommate asks Chris to do him a favor, and Chris agrees. Instead the opposite happened. x]#q/`aC+Khiflm( bc@'QV-a7:o1O7y?wo7.b7F^pZ{e>8_wonz&T=PJe~xw_}ba\ZXH%ll7qAa;;M?3)8T.Vw_G[H}FYc8svcf0w_~7],+g~aEo~}8/q'f. Alex was most likely engaging in________. Half of them were offered $1 to do the job, while the remaining half was offered $20. After performing the tasks, each of the subjects was then interviewed regarding how enjoyable the tasks were to him. The true purpose of the experiment was then explained to the S in detail, and the reasons for each of the various steps in the experiment were explained carefully in relation to the true purpose. The question was included because, as far as we could see, it had nothing to do with the dissonance that was experimentally created and could not be used for dissonance reduction. Participants in the $1 condition experience greater discomfort and agitation when lying about how fun the task was than do participants in the $20 condition. Now Lilly says that classic rock is her favorite music, too. New York Times, p.C1. We felt it was important to show that the effect was not a completely general one but was specific to the content of the dissonance which was created. Franklin said if you want someone to like you, get that person to do you a favor. Patrick has a strong_____. The amount of money paid the subject was varied. When one person meets another person for the first time, ________ occurs. Every individual has his or her own way of evaluating their own selves and usually this is done by comparing themselves to others. The dissonance could, consequently, be reduced by magnifying the importance of this cognition. startxref Ben Franklin gave some peculiar advice that makes sense in the context of cognitive dissonance theory. The most likely predictor of the development of prejudice and discrimination between two groups is the degree of _____ between the groups. When members of a cult are trying to enlist a new recruit, they start by asking the recruit to make a small commitment, such as attending a short meeting or helping out at a social function. Behavior that is intended to hurt or destroy another person is referred to as. asking people to work on separate projects but in the same room. Fritz Heider developed _______ to explain why people choose the particular explanations of behavior that they do. Festinger and Carlsmith then investigated whether there's a standing evidence of cognitive dissonance where boring tasks were seen as enjoyable. The mean ratings for the One Dollar and Twenty Dollar conditions, averaging the ratings of the two independent raters, are presented in Table 2. Hence, the alternative explanation discussed above cannot account for the findings. For an hour, you are required to perform dull tasks, such as turning wooden knobs again and again. KELMAN, H. Attitude change as a function of response restriction Hum. Psychologists familiar with dissonance theory said just the opposite. How would a social psychologist describe this situation? Her parents attribute this to Elizabeth's laziness. We'll bring you back here when you are done. participants were paid $1 and the other half was paid $20. Leon Festinger and his colleague James Carlsmith performed an experiment regarding cognitive dissonance in 1959. 3. How do we explain this? Two Ss (both in the One Dollar condition) told the girl that they had been hired, that the experiment was really boring but they were supposed to say it was fun. Write to Dr. Dewey at psywww@gmail.com. The neurotransmitter that seems most involved in aggression is_________. c5; Festinger and Carlsmith (1959) Term 1 / 8 aim Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 8 show that a person's private opinion will change to reduce dissonance when it conflicts with what they are forced to do Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by UorFawzi Terms in this set (8) aim You should not put up with abuse, because people who treat you poorly will adopt negative beliefs about you, in order to be consistent with their behavior toward you. _____ is the attitude about members of a particular social group and _____ is the behavior that can result from that attitude. York University, Toronto, Ontario. He did so in order to make it convincing that this was [p. 205] what thc E was interested in and that these tasks, and how the S worked on them, was the total experiment. You have created 2 folders. Oct. 2011. are learned through experiences and contact with others, Cindy tastes peas for the first time and realizes she does not like them. If you need instructions for turning off common ad-blocking programs, click here. From this point on, the procedure for all three conditions was once more identical. It enabled us to measure the opinions of our Ss in a context not directly connected with our experiment and in which we could reasonably expect frank and honest expressions of opinion. From this point on they diverged somewhat. So, to avoid dissonance, the person likes you. The results on this question are shown in the second row of figures in Table 1. << //document.getElementById('adblockmessage').style.display = 'block'; We will discuss each of the questions on the interview separately, because they were intended to measure different things. Similarly, the knowledge that he has said "not X" is consonant with (does fit together with) those cognitive elements corresponding to the reasons, pressures, promises of rewards and/or threats of punishment which induced him to say "not X. One other point before we proceed to examine the data. 0000000609 00000 n This subtle dynamic makes cognitive dissonance a powerful tool for changing attitudes. After the half hour on the second task was over, the E conspicuously set the stop watch back to zero, put it away, pushed his chair back, lit a cigarette, and said: Up to this point the procedure was identical for Ss in all conditions. The defendant was not very well spoken and came from a very poor background, but Sandy listened carefully to the evidence presented and made her decision based on that. & JANIS, I.L. Festinger, L. (1957). Cram has partnered with the National Tutoring Association, Conformity In The Stanford Prison Experiment, Stereotypes: The Role Of Discrimination In Social Groups, Summary Of Stereotypes That Affect Social Interaction. _________ has been linked to higher levels of aggression. Instead the opposite happened. FESTINGER, L. A theory of cognitive dissonance. endobj Nicole thinks of herself as an honest, trustworthy person. The formation of in-groups and out-groups, The effect that people's awareness of the stereotypes associated with their social group has on their behavior is, Strategies for overcoming prejudice include. If behavior is assumed to be caused by internal personality characteristics, this is known as___________. In Asian cultures, people tend to explain the behavior of others as a result of______. In conclusion, people, when persuaded to lie without being given enough justification, will perform a task by convincing themselves of the falsehood, rather than telling a lie. It implies that if you want to change attitudes, all you have to do is change behavior, and the attitudes will follow along. In the . Copyright 2007-2018 Russ Dewey Results of the experiment showed that even though the tasks were indeed boring and uninteresting, the unpaid control group rated the activity a negative 0.45 (-0.45). A person who is very low in self-worth is less likely to be affected by the_____. They choose among the available experiments by signing their names on a sheet posted on the bulletin board which states the nature of the experiment. Among the paid participants, 5 had suspicions about getting paid for the designated task. if( window.canRunAds === undefined ){ ---------------------References: Imagine you are a participant in a famous experiment staged by the creative Festinger and his student J. Merrill Carlsmith (1959). After the S agreed to do it, the E gave him the previously mentioned sheet of paper headed "For Group B" and asked him to read it through again. << When they arrived at the interviewer's office, the E asked the interviewer whether or not he wanted to talk to the S. The interviewer said yes, the E shook hands with the S, said good-bye, and left. This means you're free to copy, share and adapt any parts (or all) of the text in the article, as long as you give appropriate credit and provide a link/reference to this page. trailer But nevertheless, the possibility exists that the Ss n the One Dollar condition may have improvised more. The presence of others is especially important in influencing helping behavior when a situation is, Once someone has taken responsibility to help, the next step in the decision-making process is. /Linearized 1.0 _______ occurs when people begin to think that it is more important to maintain a group's cohesiveness than to objectively consider the facts. We would also like to acknowledge the help of Ruth Smith and Marilyn M. Miller. Two studies reported by Janis and King (1954; 1956) clearly showed that, at least under some conditions, the private opinion changes so as to bring it into closer correspondence with the overt behavior the person was forced to perform. Let us then see what can be said about the total magnitude of dissonance in a person created by the knowledge that he said "not X" and really believes "X." Which of the following is the best example of the behavioral component of an attitude? _____ is the scientific study of how a person's thoughts, feelings, and behavior are influenced by the real, imagined, or implied presence of others. Like in every other study, there are some responses that are deemed to be invalid. dissonance, and as a result, they would rate the task as less The third asks whether that subject finds the activity important, again using the scale of 0 to 10. At the beginning of the Festinger and Carlsmith experiment, student volunteers were asked to perform a simple and boring task. Subjects in both groups typically agreed to tell the next subject that the experiment was interesting. /Text Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 55, 72-75. There remain, for analysis, 20 Ss in each of the thee conditions. This automatic assumption about the student's personality is an example of, The process of explaining one's own behavior and the behavior of other people is called. The prediction [from 3 and 4 above] is that the larger the reward given to the subject, the smaller will be the subsequent opinion change. He then left saying he would return in a couple of minutes. The public service messages that encourage parents to sit down with their children and talk frankly about drugs are promoting which method of attitude formation? Don't have time for it all now? The participants who were paid only $1 to perform the boring On the other hand, the ones who were paid $20, apparently had the money as their primary justification for carrying out their task. This person has two cognitions which, psychologically, do not fit together: one of these is the knowledge that he believes "X," the other the knowledge that he has publicly stated that he believes "not X." In the study, undergraduate students of Introductory Psychology at Stanford University were asked to take part of a series of experiments. Since these derivations are stated in detail by Festinger (1957, Ch. Festinger and Carlsmith further concluded, based off the the control group, that those who were only paid $1 felt that they were forcing themselves to explain how "enjoyable" of a task this was when in reality it was not. Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance has been one . In the One Dollar condition, since the magnitude of dissonance was high, the pressure to reduce this dissonance would also be high. These 11 Ss were, of course, run through the total experiment anyhow and the experiment was explained to them afterwards. Ashley has practiced her drum routine over and over. The favor was to take the place of the research assistant, who was supposed to prepare subjects for the experiment by giving them a positive attitude toward it. All experimental Ss in both One Dollar and Twenty Dollar conditions were asked, after this explanation, to return the money they had [p. 207] been given. The same logic applies to selfish concerns such as getting other people to respect you. >> (1984, August) Psychology Today, pp.40-45. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 58, 203-210. % 49 0 obj Prejudice is to ____ as discrimination is to _______. Five Ss (three in the One Dollar and two in the Twenty Dollar condition) indicated in the interview that they were suspicious about having been paid to tell the girl the experiment was fun and suspected that that was the real purpose of the experiment. Which of the following statements about stereotypes is FALSE? I hope you did enjoy it. Sandy was a juror in the trial for a man accused of stealing guns from a sporting goods store. According to _________ theory, prejudice may result, at least in part, from the need to increase one's own self-esteem by looking down on others. The subjects who received $1 did not have a very good reason to lie. This study showed people are subjected to conformity for the first time scientifically. This project has received funding from the, You are free to copy, share and adapt any text in the article, as long as you give, Select from one of the other courses available, https://explorable.com/cognitive-dissonance, Creative Commons-License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Social Researcher. The questions are as follows: As may be seen, the questions varied in how directly relevant they were to what the S had told the girl. The self-fulfilling prophecy is a negative outcome of______. His task was to turn each peg a quarter turn clockwise, then another quarter turn, and so on. Kenneth Boulding, an economist and past president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, described a pattern that relates to cognitive dissonance. D. It was Nicole's first year of high school. This is a direct result of Cognitive Dissonance. The remaining subjects were asked to take the place of an experimenter, if they would want to. He was told again to use one band and to work at his own speed. Sherry H. Priester Gerard goes to his job interview dressed in patched blue jeans, a torn t-shirt, and sandals. Cognitive dissonance is one form of social comparison. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 55, 72-75. The three components of attitude are _____, thoughts, and actions. <> How can you get someone to like you, according to Ben Franklin? After you finish, the experimenter (Carlsmith) explains that the study concerns how expectations affect performance. John was late to class, and his friend Eddie assumes that John simply doesn't care about being on time. Our identity is in part created by identifying ourselves with the organization or the community for which the sacrifices have been made. Which of the following represents the cognitive component of an attitude? Why are black people stopped by police more than white people? ] The Effects of Prejudice, Stereotype & Discrimination A person demanding for _______ has power or authority to command a behavioral change, rather than just ask for a change. To which two processes do most social psychologists attribute the failure of Kitty Genovese's neighbors to help her? In this study, Festinger and Carlsmith found that 0000012870 00000 n Solomon Asch, a social psychologist conducted a series of experiments called Asch conformity to study how the behavior of a certain group influence the behav Normative conformity is most commonly referred to as peer pressure, and is prevalent in our present society. A woman argues that it is morally wrong to kill animals for food becomes upset when she is asked to explain why she is wearing a leather belt and leather shoes. Karen is engaging in, The sadistic behavior of the "guards" in Philip Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Study, highlighted the influence that a social role can have on ordinary people, Jim jumped into the ocean to save a drowning man, risking his own life in the process. The group most likely to become a scapegoat is the group. The participants were 71 male students in totality. If we once start making sacrifices for anythinga family, a religion, or a nationwe find that we cannot admit to ourselves that the sacrifices have been in vain without a threat to our personal identity. Which is (farther, farthest) away, the library of the park? endobj Alex, who is in the honors program, failed to do his share of the work on the group project with his four classmates. 0000000974 00000 n They were instructed to put spools onto and off the try with only one hand for half an hour, and then turn 48 square pegs clockwise for the next half hour. So, to avoid dissonance, the person likes you. Eliot Aronson, himself a famous social psychologist and former student of Festinger, called this "the most important experiment in the history of social psychology" ("Social Researcher", 1984). Specifically, they showed that if a person is forced to improvise a speech supporting a point of view with which he disagrees, his private opinion moves toward the position advocated in the speech. This has many practical implications. This, however, was unlikely in this experiment because money was used for the reward and it is undoubtedly difficult to convince oneself that one dollar is more than it really is. In evaluating the total magnitude of dissonance one must take account of both dissonances and consonances. Rating scale 0 to 10. Their data, however, are not included in the analysis. Or is there something more nuanced at play? by meredith_davis9, Hence, his cognition of his private belief is dissonant with his cognition concerning his actual public statement. Which of the following was NOT a component of Robert Sternberg's theory of love? Subjects paid $1 were enthusiastic about their lies, and were successful in convincing others that the experiment's activities were interesting. 0000094931 00000 n gsKkaO\Cw`c L J=x8;zy\kd7vHzl=1~6}4=m_IQfKn[3Mqwp0uyM-P:. Let us think of the sum of all the dissonances involving some particular cognition as "D" and the sum of all the consonances as "C." Then we might [p. 204] think of the total magnitude of dissonance as being a function of "D" divided by "D" plus "C.". Festinger observed that the subjects were put in a psychologically uncomfortable position. ", 3. The influence of role-playing on opinion change. The other group was paid 1/20th as much, the equivalent of about $5 now. (p.47). In the study, undergraduate students of Introductory Psychology at Stanford University were asked to take part of a series of experiments.
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