hyena patronus rarity

hyena patronus rarity

Why Wasnt Ron Weasley in Hufflepuff House? This means they have loads of loyal friends that would do anything for them, and they would do the same in return. Though a bat commonly represents fear, the casters of this Patronus understand that facing your fears is what helps you grow as a person. Additionally, they are fierce fighters. The brown owl Patronus is great for hunting down Dementors, which means youll be in safe hands. A Buzzard is swift, fierce, and opportunistic. Many people think of sharks as one of the scariest predators in the ocean. An osprey Patronus is one-of-a-kind, and so are their casters. Leopards stalk their prey quietly and sometimes do not pounce until they are within 5 feet of it. One of the activities they love is taking care of other people. If you have this Patronus, you likely have a close circle of people you are loyal to for life. As we know with Hedwig, they will go so far as to sacrifice their own lives to save yours. #HarryPotter #Pottermore #Patronus #hogwartslegacy I've here compiled a list of all possible Patronuses on can get on Pottermore.This list contains only the . Both long-time fans and newcomers are undoubtedly jumping back into the lore of the beloved franchise, with many discovering their own Patronus through The Wizarding Worlds online quiz. Ragdoll cats are more like dogs than cats due to their kind and sweet nature, in addition to following you around everywhere. You are guaranteed either a dragon, unicorn, thestral, hippogriff, or another magical creature. A ladybird is a small beetle, but it makes a mighty Patronus. Impala . Because they are always aware of their surroundings, this makes them adaptable to any environment or situation. The chestnut stallion Patronus mostly forms for people who are in Gryffindor and Slytherin. This Patronus is quite large, resembling an elephant, but with tusks. But it can't feel fear and despair like humans and therefore it is the best protection against Dementors. The wizard has a very rare and unusual, almost unique, personality. Their rarity exists not only on the Patronus ranking, but within the Wizarding World as well, with their blood possessing healing powers. Although a marsh harrier Patronus may not take down a Dementor in a typical fashion, they will get the job done, nonetheless. Dementors, beware! Hyena (Patronus) 13 0. Having a thestral patronus is rare you're probably uncommonly kind, understanding, and quiet. A tigress is one of the most protective, selfless, and strong cats in the animal kingdom. This Patronus is a ball of energy; active, athletic, playful, and free-spirited much like the witches and wizards who cast it. The 12 Rarest 'Harry Potter' Patronuses, Ranked, The Best and Most Iconic Harry Potter Spells, The Smartest 'Harry Potter' Characters, Ranked by Intelligence, The Most Powerful Wizards in the Harry Potter Universe, Ranked, The Strongest Patronuses In 'Harry Potter' Ranked. A dapple grey mare Patronus symbolizes freedom and passion for all that life has to offer. A brown hare Patronus is small but mighty meaning they are usually underestimated. Another notable fact about these cute creatures is that they settle down with one mate for life, and similarly, you probably choose your friends and lifelong relationships just as carefully. Dementors should know to never cross these Patronuses because they are powerful and deadly. A symbol of protection and adaptability, the Occamy Patronus comes to casters who embrace openness and change. A Blackbird Patronus is the epitome of intelligence, intuition, and deep thought. Appearances Pottermore (Appears as a Patronus) Wizarding World (Appears as a Patronus) Notes and references (see this image) When threatened, these creatures are a true force to be reckoned with, and with one strike of their horn, your dark assailant will explode before your eyes. Chow dogs are intelligent, independent, but like to have time to themselves. The great grey owl is the largest in length and has high standards and strong morals to match. . So they just love being yourself. Hedgehogs have their namesake because they scavenge under bushes and hedges for their prey. Dementors have no idea what they are in for when they come up against this fiery Patronus. Nightjars are medium-sized birds that many refer to as goatsuckers because, as the legend goes, they were seen in fields sucking milk from goats. Although bats are commonly associated with fear, they actually represent rebirth. They're also remarkably beautiful casters, whose grace and aura can easily captivate those around them. This Patronus will likely do the same with a Dementor, dancing around it to avoid capture and striking when it is ready. They can be headstrong and extremely hard workers. Bloodhounds will set their sights on a Dementor with its keen sense of smell and relentlessly chase it away. However, they are also very noble and symbolize virtue. They can also be headstrong and get angry quickly if provoked, so Dementors better watch out! They use their wisdom to their advantage and know how to remain calm. Rest assured, after a Dementors encounter with this cheerful Patronus, they will think twice before bothering you again! Having a doe Patronus means you are gentle, nurturing, and will stop at nothing to keep those you love safe. You also enjoy having control over any situation. A Dementor will never see this Patronus coming! Some say only deep-thinking, complex witches and wizards cast this Patronus. For example, if threatened by a Dementor, this Patronus will not hold back with their fury. Many associate polar bears with magic and being great strategists. With one swift dive, ospreys will incapacitate any Dementor. This Patronus will do anything to protect you, even if it means leaping in between you and a Dementor to save you! It is known to be loyal to its owner for a lifetime and will never look for another one. Having this Patronus means you thrive even in stressful situations, and you enjoy overcoming obstacles and difficulties. Dementors should never underestimate the resilience of a field mouse Patronus simply because of its small size. You are sociable and adapt well to diverse environments. Adder - The common European adder or common European viper is a venomous snake that can be found throughout Europe. Because they are native to polar regions, their white fur helps them camouflage into their surroundings to catch their prey and evade hunters, their only actual predators. Not only are they determined, but very friendly and easy-going as well. The Patronus Charm, introduced in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, is a defensive spell which produces a silver, animal guardian, used to protect a witch or wizard against Dementors.You can find out more about what a Patronus can do here.. Each Patronus takes the form of a different animal that has a special affinity with the caster - in Harry's . Dragons are known for being powerful and assertive. Dementors, beware! They are not only determined but intelligent and wise too. Surprisingly, eagle owls are incredibly agile and fast, meaning they will take down any Dementor swiftly. With a slightly rebellious side, they can get into trouble, but they mean no harm. Tigers are courageous, graceful, and fierce cats that should never be underestimated. Its likely that your loved ones rely on you the same way. We all get along quite well, and when something major hits the fandom - like the Patronus quiz finally becoming available on . These powerful Patronuses are bright in color to scare away potential predators. Not only do Beagles have an upbeat personality, but they also enjoy bringing joy to others. But what they lack in size, they make up for in their bold personality. Though blackbirds are not the most ferocious animals, they are one of the most mysterious and magical. Those who have a falcon Patronus are known to have a dark side and a distraught soul. They embody strength, independence, and power. They are very headstrong and have fantastic eyesight. Oryxes have a unique defensive technique where they surround their young to safeguard them from predators. This Patronus is commonly found in the Ravenclaw house since calico cats are very unique, loving, and independent. Wolf Patronus. 6 Luna Lovegood's Hare. While they are very loyal, they can be extremely opinionated and strong-willed, but of course, they have a soft side too. They are free-spirited, clever, and can be very gentle in nature. Sometimes thought of as more dog-like, these cats are curious, playful, and love to be affectionate. Bay Mares are gentle and compassionate, but they are also strong and resilient. Greyhounds are large and muscular while simultaneously gentle and sweet. If you have this Patronus, you are probably one of the most loving, affectionate, and kind friends someone could have. However, scops owls also have very sharp talons and beaks, so they are well-equipped for any battle. They are more active at night to avoid their innumerable predators, so they are no stranger to the darkness of a Dementor. As the name implies, wild boars are wild warriors that do not shy away from confrontation. If you have a seal Patronus, you are likely very confident and do not care what others think about you. Rest assured that the swifts upbeat and cheerful personality will drive away any darkness brought on by a Dementor. The term piebald in piebald mare refers to the horses color. Those with this Patronus are energetic, enthusiastic, and the life of the party. Those with a lioness Patronus are fierce protectors. A foxs strategy of capturing its prey is to lay low to camouflage itself and then pounce with great force when the time is right. People with the black and white cat Patronus are watchful guardians and fiercely loyal to their friends and family. A Nebelung cat Patronus will defend you with their life. They take an aerial approach to catching their prey so that their mark, in this case, a Dementor, does not know what hit them. People with the Thestral Patronus are empathetic, realistic and have the ability to look at the bigger picture, making them deeply powerful. Only an exceptional and unique witch or wizard produces a white mare Patronus. Granian winged horses are so fast that witches and wizards initially used them to bring messages before using owls. Witches and wizards who have a heron Patronus are unique and determined. For example, a white horse with black patches. These techniques will fool even the smartest of Dementors. As depicted by both Ravenclaws and Gryffindors, occamys are thoughtful and creative. Falcons are some of the fastest animals in the world, and there are records of them diving at speeds of over 200mph! Dementors would be wise to steer clear of this Patronus. Pheasants are big-hearted, regal birds who sometimes struggle with pride, which gets them into sticky situations. This can be a wonderful protector . Some species of shrews are poisonous, so one fatal bite from this Patronus is enough to send any Dementor on its way. Thestrals are extremely fast and will stop at nothing to protect the ones they love. They love being silly/funny/crazy. If you have this Patronus, those who are closest to you are lucky to have you in their corner. Whales, in general, have complex communication skills, and they guide both fishermen and fish where they need to go. Ironically, many characterize them by their high-pitched laugh, but they actually have a great sense of humor. Rest assured, this Patronus will fight for you every time and pose a threat to even the scariest of Dementors. Those with a leopard Patronus are outstanding leaders and people respect and look up to them. However, this Patronus is not one you should ever underestimate. We've seen a huge variety of results, ranging from sparrows, cats, and dogs to rhinos and orangutans . This animal looks like and is mistaken as a rhinoceros. Those with an Abraxan Winged Horse Patronus are said to be dominant, powerful, and strong leaders. West Highland Terriers (lovingly called Westies) are exceptionally kind and affectionate. Known for its insightfulness, intelligence and sharp senses, the Snowy Owl is among the rarest Patronuses reserved only for those with a deep love for learning and keen perception. Their tears have healing powers which already make this bird extremely powerful. Camouflaged plumage makes it simple for nightjars to blend into their surroundings and supports their skilled hunting habits. This is one of the reasons they are so often associated with friendship. They keep to themselves and prefer to be watchful guardians. A piebald mare will surely make your Patronus-casting ability famous among fellow witches and wizards. With a calming presence and kind demeanor, Newfoundlands are indeed a mans best friend. Those who have this Patronus are strong and resilient. One thing you can always count on with a white stallion Patronus is they will never back down from a battle and will protect you with everything they have against a Dementor. The doe is most notable for being both Severus Snapes and Lily Potters Patronus. A thestral Patronus is extremely rare. Along with this Patronus, you likely know how to get yourself creatively and logically out of challenging situations. While huskies are a big ball of fun-loving energy, they are also very in touch with their emotions and cope well with stress just like the casters of this Patronus. Having an Impala as your Patronus means you likely tackle lifes challenges with ease. An oryx is one of the largest members of the antelope family. However, contrary to popular belief, rhinos are not typically aggressive animals. They can tend to be mysterious as well. Having a rottweiler as your Patronus means you are likely a gentle, calm, yet confident person. Ginger cats are known for their tiger-like appearance and tend to be very friendly and laid-back. Dementors wont know what hit them. For good reason, lionesses are the queens of the jungle. These protective mothers are wary of intruders and will do anything to protect their cubs from harm. No matter the time or the place, your lynx Patronus will stealthily attack even the strongest of Dementors. You have your friends and familys trust because youve earned it. Not only that, but they will fight hard to defend you. If you have this Patronus, then you should trust your instincts as they are usually spot on. She is constantly underestimated and has experienced much sadness in her life, but her eccentric and carefree nature make her extremely . This positive Patronus will surely send a dark Dementor on its way. They are also curious birds that can sense danger from far away. Their bright feathers attract mates but also intimidate any potential enemies. Since they are so fast, mountain hares commonly use distraction as a technique for evading predators. Dementors, beware! What field mice lack in stature, they make up for in speed, perception, and skill. They are highly intelligent and simultaneously very humble. We work hard together, from writing editorials and features, to organizing online and IRL events.We also, as you can imagine, play hard together. Your friends and family love you for your unique personality and cute quirks. As natural leaders, Dragons will hold steadfast in their convictions and will fight wholeheartedly for what they believe in. If you're not familiar, the magical conjurings take the form of spirit animals which . Rare animals are marked. Borzois are strong creatures that are generally reserved in nature, but aggressive when threatened. An interesting fact about magpies is that when they come across a dead fellow magpie, they will use their calls to do a funeral for it. Swallows tend to find strength in numbers to protect themselves from predators. However, Jack Russell terriers can also be stubborn and independent when they dont get their way. They're motivated to keep moving and embarking on bigger and bolder journeys, even if it means leaving some things behind. If this is your Patronus, you work hard and exceed the limitations that others put on you.

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hyena patronus rarity

hyena patronus rarity

hyena patronus rarity

hyena patronus rarity

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