missionary spencer smith critique

missionary spencer smith critique

Revivalism / Keswick Heresy. He taught false doctrine about repentance, grace and works, faith and fruits, regeneration versus carnal Christians, and the deity of Christ doing great damage to the nature of the Gospel itself. Has anyone seen this guy on YouTube? When did Spencer leave panic? shabu shabu groupon. There you go with that, its a great Bible. So he recommends it. The sharp criticism didnt destroy Evan Roberts, as if God that indwells true believers is not greater than he that is in the world; but rather, Evan Roberts true roots and fruits came out as to whom he really was (Matt. 21:21, 24) EVER ceased to preach repentance. I'd come across his videos when looking up stuff about enneagrams because I didn't feel right about the whole thing. No results, no good. Can you say, Just. Avoid all Independent Fundamentalist Baptists, even ones dressed in what look like Reformed clothes. 3:2-5) which is rebellion and ungodliness. Here are the ones I know of. Along with the false repentance, Rice promoted and taught the decisionism techniques of the apostate Charles G. Finney (who rejected justification by faith alone). Religions, by T. W. Doane. Thats the gospel. Thats very anemic and shallow, and not interpreting in context or rightly dividing the word of truth. Spencer posted a video promoting the heretic Curtis Hutson (. Tony Hutson is a cheap entertainment-orientated showman, can speak many stories but not a lot of actual Bible preaching. what do you call a funny lizard. The position of pastor (I.e. Scripture doesn't support unity on just fundamentals. This is all heresy and all a repentance issue (worth noting: this false sanctification and salvation is found everywhere in churches today, thanks in part to this reference Bible). Broader terms: Race relations -- Religious aspects; Christianity; Narrower term I mean all, which is something that Spencer and the rest of the Old Boys Club would never admit, because it doesnt fit the man-centred man-worship and man-exaltation of the extremely man-centred pragmatic Old Fundamental Boys Club, but Gods Word however is VERY clear on it! I have written up a report on this sermon which is much longer than this brief summary, revealing how terribly unscriptural and heretical it really is. He is not in the church, like Matt. In the video The Gospel he says the pentecostals in Kenya speak only half truths and gives an example where they utilize only the first half of Mk. 11:4. Fundamentalism is a movement that responded to theological liberalism in the early twentieth century. All these things make it clear that Sexton is a hypocrite and heretic, one warned of by Jesus (Matt 7:15) and by Paul who declared, grievous wolves [shall] enter in among you, not sparing the flock. (Ac. He has conned many churches to support him as a missionary to Kenya, when he does not even work over there. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Since when are half-truths NOT lies?? 3:1-7 a man, husband, his, he) that is married (husband of one wife . There you go with that, its a great Bible. So he recommends it. No wonder he could say this without supporting it with scripture. Before I was converted I was in the home of Elvis and did lots of research on him. They were legit fundamentalists and stayed separated from error. (time 15:30). 1. cleveland, tx funeral homes . Hutson is a false teacher along the same lines as Hyles (Am. She had a list of favourite mystical authors which were essentially lost heretics, such as Brother Lawrence, Samuel Rutherford, Thomas a Kempis and English Mystics such as the medieval Raymond Lully, Lady Julian or Norwich, and Richard Rolle. Or 2 Cor. Very man-centred and unscriptural. And truly saved people WILL want to do that. In fact, the entire sermon which is about The Gospel is completely void of repentance. A righteous man falling down before the wicked. He claimed OT saints were saved by works, which is connected to his rejection of repentance (its a work according to Scofield). This is all heresy and all a repentance issue (worth noting: this false sanctification and salvation is found everywhere in churches today, thanks in part to this reference Bible). Chapter and verse? 1:9-11), lest in the end, we are disqualified for service (2 Tim. 2:9-16). That manifested the Holy Spirit in Him. In the video The Falling Away - Missionary Spencer Smith he uses unbelief to categorize the lost and ungodly modernists. Spencer seriously undermines sound doctrine: You know there is some doctrinal issues in this Bible but I dont think its a deal breaker. These videos demonstrate some of the crazy, sadistic and deluded IB men like Tony Hutson and their so-called church: Tony Hutson's Church of Crazy and Teen Campmeeting 2014: Testimony/Hutson Girls singing, "The Master of the Sea" and How To Preach On Anything You Want and Opening Monologue + TKO Punchline - Tony Hutson - Trieber Belieber. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010) Edgar Wright's energetic adaptation of Bryan Lee O'Malley's hit indie comic book has its detractors. he completely corrupted and wrested Rom. This has been addressed several times, and he refuses to answer any questions about it. The gospel/salvation (same thing) that Spencer consistently speaks of in his videos is without repentance or its principles, and without surrendering to Christs Lordship, both of which are required for conversion. A brief flashback prologue with Janet van Dyne (Michelle Pfeiffer) being rescued by someone who . Tony Hutson is a cheap entertainment-orientated showman, can speak many stories but not a lot of actual Bible preaching. 2:1), but Spencer Smith does, as does Reg Kelly (he preached in Kellys church back in May 2010 and Dec 2011; Brown actually preached this same sermon at one of those times). Show Missionary Spencer Smith, Ep Dwight Smith - Modern Modernists - 19 Mar 2020 A WordPress Blog-THE CHURCH MILITANT Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". 3:15-16; Mk. concerning salvation is so clear as the Laodicean church not having it. Whether its being preached in truth or not is the difference between life and death, Heaven and Hell. In fact, the unclean spirit did much more than just touch Roberts; he possessed him, and that according to Roberts own testimony. 25:06 Can you tell me your thoughts/insights about "missionary" Spencer Smith? The ecumenicalism and false unity happening and leading to the one world church is right on the money. Brown is a huge Hyles hero (even mentions attending Jack Hyles Pastors School in this sermon) and purveyor of the same perverted and corrupted easy-believism/quick-prayerism 1-2-3 pray after me, no/false repentance, no evidence of salvation with no-fruit and no-change necessary, silly carnival atmosphere with major manipulation, turning evangelism into a type of salesmanship, all about the numbers (and I mean serious numbers) false and perverted gospel warned of in Gal. Hutson hated the biblical doctrine of repentance so much (like Hyles), he wrote books against it and removed the doctrine from well known hymns while editor at Sword of the Lord. All you have to do is look at what people wrote and said in that day, in newspapers, reports, books, etc, and then the fruit of what actually happened and who these guys were, not just Roberts but also Evan Hopkins and Jesse Penn-Lewis, and read their own ungodly and heretical writings, and in very short order the truth comes out. It doesnt separate from heretics such as Jack Hyles, Jack Schaap, Larry Brown, Paul Chappell, Clarence Sexton, Rick Flanders, John R Rice, Curtis Hutson, Mike Sullivant, Bob Gray Sr., Sword of the Lord men, etc. From what I remember he did not seem as anti reformed as fundies tend to be. No pastor is ever to be reproved or rebuked regardless how wrong he is. bmc remedy rest api configuration 0. Brown is a huge Hyles hero (even mentions attending Jack Hyles Pastors School in this sermon) and purveyor of the same perverted and corrupted easy-believism/quick-prayerism 1-2-3 pray after me, no/false repentance, no evidence of salvation with no-fruit and no-change necessary, silly carnival atmosphere with major manipulation, turning evangelism into a type of salesmanship, all about the numbers (and I mean serious numbers) false and perverted gospel warned of in Gal. The word unbelief is applicable in scripture only to lost Jews, since it is only ever mentioned in the context of Jews, because of their privilege and opportunity, with their divine covenants and being Gods people (Rom. You better watch what you say about Gods man!! 2:1) and the best he can do is sugar coat their evil, claiming it as a half-truth and not speak the truth of Gods Word by condemning it and reproving it as Gods Word does and commands?! What things? Example: He did a whole video on why the King James Version of the Bible is the only version we should be reading(his basis was that the NIV "omites" verses") when actually it doesn't omit them at all it simply put them in the footnotes because the King James actually added them when the original text it's not even clear if they were in there or added by those translating. aie A : a awe dh pssst bed re . His video actually broke down the things that I didn't feel comfortable with and why. SPENCERS GOSPEL AND RESULTS IS QUESTIONABLE. social gospel), he doesnt speak the truth about the true gospel, nor about some of the false gospels. Hes a big fan of Spurgeon so he is a little more nice toward reformed folk. Many false professors in the bible believed (Jn. I know Spencer Smith personally. People that corrupt the gospel and compromise and wont speak the truth and embrace error and worldliness, have no leg to stand on when it comes to evidence of salvation. And has helped me understand the seduction of our age toward other christ's.:) EpicZaxMan , 10/01/2021 He taught false doctrine about repentance, grace and works, faith and fruits, regeneration versus carnal Christians, and the deity of Christ doing great damage to the nature of the Gospel itself. Its wicked and spawned in the pit of hell. It is not surprising then that one hears Spencer say, weve seen thousands of people saved in their ministry in Kenya. 16:17; Ti. 7 and 8 into Keswick theology. None of these are some minor little problems. Some of his book-length list of heresies and damnable heresies include seeking after and promoting a second baptism of the Holy Spirit and the second blessing of sanctification; communing with the dead; claiming there is no need for the Bible just follow the spirit leading (which on its own tells us what spirit was leading Roberts); seeking after and claiming experiences with the audible voice of God; preaching a seriously perverted gospel; rejecting God's Word; higher life mysticism in communing with evil spirits and Throne life prayer; believed and taught he had authority to bind Satan and co-work with God in the last defeat of Satan and all his hosts, and indeed affirmed he had bound Satan and had entered into the sufferings of the Saviour/High Priest and thus obtained a position from which he could intercede continually for Christs servants and witnesses who were exposed to deception (can you say blasphemy!! 45. He was a revivalist and a soft continuationist, noted in his book The Fulness of the Spirit, which would totally mess a person up on biblical sanctification, looking for a second blessing and in many ways making Acts normative for today. Its very bad and it floods majority of evangelical and Baptist churches today. This is actually demonic and meant to monger fear and stop people from obeying Gods Word in testing, judging, correcting and reproving the man of God (i.e. They separated only over the fundamentals, so they unified or fellowshipped merely if someone believed and taught the fundamentals. poet charles mackay biography 24:48). But its very fundamentalist. Missionary Spencer Smith discusses the recent controversy of Larry Johnson calling out Dwayne Wade over his homosexual 12 year old son, and his involvement in Freemasonry. Evan Roberts not only put a stop to the real Welsh Revival, but was an enemy to it and destroyed it, and along with that, destroyed Welsh Baptist churches and Welsh Christianity as a whole. He also undermines the importance of Bible study, not understanding balance. 4:1). Open Access (elektronisch) British traditional values in the information space of The Guardian internet resource (2019) It certainly wasnt based upon the Bible. He taught theistic evolution. Nothing could be further from the truth. In one part of Ryries book So Great Salvation he declares that faith is not merely "assent to facts" (p. 118), but then spends three pages proving that faith is indeed merely assent to, or belief in, certain facts, using different wording and various evasions (see Mk. 5. In his video on The Laodicean Church, Spencer says a mark of the last days church will be an attempt to lift up Jesus Christ without putting down sin. Listen to his preaching and youll understand why he is not someone anyone should be listening to. He is not a Bible preacher, but an entertainer. This man takes on the bull of false gospel by its horns, armed with a Bible and some wits. No one should associate with Clarence Sexton, a man-centred and hero-worshipping pragmatic ear-tickling preacher of a corrupted watered-down gospel and purveyor of much doctrinal error; one that wrests Gods Word and proof texts as required for his own personal agenda, revealing his irreverence to God and His Word; a pragmatic church growth compromised guru; one who rejects the Biblical command to practice church discipline; an embracer of the essentials and non-essentials heresy; ecumenicalist; huge promoter of and associate with ungodly and wicked men (such as Jack Hyles and Jack Schaap and others, preaching at heretical conferences); affiliated with other heretics such as Tony Hutson and Jack Trieber and all the rest of the fragmented and unrepentant remains of the Hyles coalition, and had a blatant heretic (Ed Reese also a Hyles wash-up) work for the school for years; hes a two-faced habitual liar who willingly and actively covers up and lies for other men and their sins, instead of reproving and separating (e.g. Thats dangerous and egregious. 3:2-7; Tit. what was bolivar's ultimate goal? Its lacking doctrinal content Spencer says, yet he exalts it and gives hundreds of them away to flood Africa with heresy. 6. Spencer is not doing or obeying what the Bible says. 3:1). Larry Brown. Hutson hated the biblical doctrine of repentance so much (like Hyles), he wrote books against it and removed the doctrine from well known hymns while editor at Sword of the Lord. 16:17-18). Ryries heresy goes beyond the false gospel and into many other realms. This is actually demonic and meant to monger fear and stop people from obeying Gods Word in testing, judging, correcting and reproving the man of God (i.e. Fundamentalism is known for its compromise in areas of denominational differences, heresy, false gospel, cheap and carnal soul winning tactics, baptism, false teachers, etc. As a fundamentalist, one cannot obey the biblical doctrine of separation, not the unscriptural fundamentalist version of it. Clarence Sexton, Temple Baptist Church and Crown College. Notice also that he says, We thank God for his hand upon this work. Is it not Gods work? He is a typical fundamental IB preacher today. Roberts did that indeed and much much more, buts its completely unbiblical and another Jesus, while Spencer says I think that was a good thing. False doctrine, sin, worldliness are constantly attacked in the Bible, and so will the preacher behind the pulpit. Curtis Hutson. He is also a huge Hyles guy, and teaches the same perverted gospel as Hyles and his father (Curtis). Although he gives some good points about the importance of furthering the gospel, and about hypocrites (although he doesnt use that word), and brief warnings about false gospels (e.g. This becoming of one in unity between modernists and evangelicals has been taking place now for at least 70 years. 1. 1:6-9, 13-14, which he will anyway if he is truly born again (they are evidences of salvation as well). 3:5-9). All one has to do is rightly divide the word of truth and compare Scripture with Scripture. It gives so many descriptors of their lost condition in Rev. The Holy Spirit inspired scripture, which is much more negative than positive. The problem is that they were in such bad spiritual condition that they didnt even know it. He is describing a church that is true in his eyes, but weak, not right or spiritual and not used by God and they didnt even know it. 10:1-5, 26-29), yet this is not a salvation passage according to Spencer and the church is still saved. No one should be promoting Larry Brown, who is a false teacher propagating a lot of errors and damnable heresies (2 Pet. 11:28-32). Title: Bible Myths and their Parallels in other . 3:16-17). 17:11 and even demanded it: 1 Cor. Hyles and Schaap); refuses to receive reproof, criticism is not welcome and refuses to give any warnings about other IBs, no matter how egregious their errors and ungodly their sins; false worshipper of CCM music; purveyor of a corrupted gospel (noted in the sermon. What about the substitutionary death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the shedding of His blood for our sins (1 Cor 15:1-4)? Our allegiance must always be first and foremost to God and His Word, for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. (Gal 1:10). Its very concerning, because to get this wrong is to possibly have a wrong view of salvation and what salvation does and who the Bible describes as lost. In the same Welsh Revival video Spencer exalts another Keswick theologian in that of Amy Carmichael, the first Keswick missionary in fact (to India), who had a lot of good things to say, a lot of good quotes. She mightve had some good quotes but her doctrine was far from good; she was steeped in that heretical Keswick/ revivalism theology. She was a heretic in a lot of ways, not just because of the terribly unscriptural and perversive keswick theology but also her embracing of mysticism, which happens to be rampant in Keswick theology as well.

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missionary spencer smith critique

missionary spencer smith critique

missionary spencer smith critique

missionary spencer smith critique

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