suramin spike protein

suramin spike protein

EMIGRATE WHILE YOU STILL CAN. That deepened the rabbit-hole and led me to the Harvard-educated good Dr. Jennifer Daniels, who once said The life expectancy of those who do not see the doctor is seven years longer. She also wrote the book The Lethal Dose: Murder by Medicine is No Accident.. I take a variety of other anti-virals, anti-inflammatories, herbs, vits, minerals, etc. Ive grown to like the flavor of pine needle tea with honey. Cause thats what They do. Suramin is a polysulphonated naphthylurea with a potential antiviral, antiparasitic and antineoplastic activity that has been widely used in the clinical treatment of parasites and viral infections. Never click paid advertisements or "fact check" links but only to official scientific research sites! And can pine needles teas to this too? Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to stop abruptly rather than gradually deteriorate. You are taking it way past what it actually says, pulling verses out of context in an attempt to say one should never, ever have a drink. I see this parroted in many places, but no one ever provides evidence. Period. My mother takes it twice a month. Accessibility I cant imagine selling my harvest for $20/4 oz. From 1 Timothy 5, No longer drink only water, but use a **little wine** for your stomachs sake and your frequent infirmities. Paul explicitly told Timothy to drink a little wine, so it becomes clear wine is not evil in and of itself. I saw so many varieties of both Dandelion Root & Dandelion Leaf tea at local store & have heard that it contains the magic Shiskimic acid as well? Lets be clear, the bible says not to get drunk, a drunkard will not enter heaven. You can go to Americas Front Line doctors and they will show you how to get Ivermectin. So I figured it would just go away with time. My doctor only half believes me as he can loose his job if he admits its the shedding. The Trail from Suramin to Pine Needle Tea Here is the trail of science and data that shows the derivative relationship between pine needles and Suramin ("the elist's antidote" to microbial illnesses) - and which also provides a potential antidote for those affected by the spike protein contagion (for reasons explained within the following . I picked up a prophalaxis prescription through Americas Front Line Doctors, they prescribed and filled through a FL pharmacy and shipped to me in MA. Now all that was on my mind is my own potential exposure to spike proteins via shedding. Some cultures eat the pine needles raw because it is believed that suramin is derived from pine needles. But that only lasted one day. Any natural medicine with 0.01% of these deaths and side effects would have been pulled from the market immediately. Stay Vigilant. The balsam resin has topical uses for cuts/scrapes, and dental problems. I pray alot about remedies and try to hear the Holy Spirit. There areother known benefitsthat pine needle tea and the tea made from other conifers share, which include: Herbalists the world over have known all along about the benefits of this simple natural tea. Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. The health benefits often touted by the experts can also be found in fresh grapes, unfermented grape juice, and raisins without the intoxicating and harmful effects of alcohol. This is the most important article Ive read for a long time. extracts, Antibacterial activity of organic acids in aqueous extracts from pine needles (Pinus massoniana Lamb. I use a sugared CoQ10 gummy (instead of a sugar cube) and source turpentine from Diamond G Forest Products of Georgia. Its stressful for sure!! But Ive heard just as many anecdotal stories of people coming down with these symptoms after being in close proximity to vaxxed people. skin contact?, >With 9-day exposure, there was no effect with suramin concentrations of 100 microM or less. Thank you again for all the work you have done. Alcohol effects our brains, our cognitive functions and it also impairs our health so mentioning the verse about staying SOBER is accurate. Brighteon. Can you tell me which I should buy? I have been suffering from severe migraines, nausea, vomiting, brain fog, and fatigue for the past two weeks. Also check out GoodRx coupons if you dont have insurance their prices maybe cheaper but in my case it was not., >the most potent inhibitor was a suramin analogue Hi, thats awesome. I found this blog and thank you so much for this info btw. children and grand children by being jabbed three and four times. It comes in a synthetic pharmaceutical concentrate which can be injected into your body in case of emergencies or you can simply extract Pine oil through distillation. *Sobriety of the mind and temperament go hand in hand with alcohol impairment..Can one be clear headed, abstinent, self contained, have good sense, good judgement, wisdom, and level-headed in times of stress (sober) while using alcohol? Or maybe theyre radioactive?? Do you think turpentine has the seramin it and everything we need to fight the spike protein? Join the free Brighteon email newsletter. for What THEY thought The Right Reason.. Others By Fear, of No Income,Of Those Struggling to SURVIVE, The madness and Their Job Demands of Being GMOd I have Not Complied, Or Had ANY Testing. Obviously from heart attacks. If I think that I am starting a cold, then I usually toss a Sage Leaf into any hot Tea that I make. Trypan blue is so-called because it can killtrypanosomes, the parasites that causesleeping sickness. 5:11, the word drunkard is from the Greek word methysos , the root word is methy and is defined by Strongs as to drink to intoxication, i.e. vitamin D, C, etc to strengthen immune system. As someone who prides himself on critical thinking, I cannot say for certain that pine needle tea cured me. Be careful to make sure payments are invoiced correctly and they send a tracking number. I already eat fairly healthy and take several dietary supplements. Alert! Five different airplane trips the prior two weeks came to mind. I hope it saves me from the vaxinated. Heart racing at times, some weird pressure and rash/hives in various places on my body. 2021 Jul 28;22(15):8095. doi: 10.3390/ijms22158095. When we stay alcohol free, in my experience, we break some of the legal right of the enemy and he has less opportunity against us. Take care of yourself first, then look to assist any willing to listen and join in the reconstruction. Jesus is the great Healer, and we have to ask Him what to do, first. I am (was) a certified personal trainer. Keep in mind, I have not stepped foot in a doctors office since around 2007, as I simply do not trust them. I read every word of Brians editorial and especially liked how cautious he was about whether he is really a victim of shedding and whether the pine needle tea really cured his headaches. This is another reason Jesus said fasting (putting the flesh under submission) works against the demonic. However, point one, all must determine their own choices, my comment to Brian, one who is perhaps called to this task of informing the public of a very powerful satanic lie, was to Brian. WHAT A NIGHTMARE! We are not legalists in the body of Christ. My great uncle never went to doctors and took every med that he gave to his farm animals. Thank you for this article and all the work you are doing. I am glad to read other peoples experiences as I know then that I am not alone. ~ Hes 84 so needed some help. Use your own pharmacy! My health also declined last year. Prparer 1 litre de th aux aiguilles de pin et buvez-en tout au long de la journe (toutes les informations : Parution N7 en page d'accueil et cliquez sur les . Its one who habitually gets inebriated, who purposely consumes alcohol until drunkenness sets in. Which indiamart supplier do you purchase ivermectinfrom? Many people have told me this and I told them they werent there & there was no refrigeration back then. I woke up that morning with a headache like nothing Id ever experienced. I suspect all the people breathing spike proteins on me for hours is the case. The Lord Jesus has told me over and over = No alcohol. There isnt a verse that demands no alcohol. He was treated for the virus by his chiropractor with a rife machine. Suramin is a synthetic molecule derived from toluene extracted from pine oil. The breathing issues resolved, but the swelling continued. A few notes of caution: Some cultures eat the pine needles raw because it is believed that suramin is derived from pine needles. Still wasnt sure, but increase in pain threw uncertainty out the window. I got so worried on the fifth consecutive day of debilitating headaches and fatigue that I actually called an urgent care facility. Most drugs target a receptor for a hormone or neurotransmitter. Then I had to hike and scout for white pine trees. Im glad youre hangin in there, & searching, reaching out for therapies and healing, and, also staying connected to good folks like on this website. Mol Interv. From what I understand, its still really cheap compared to pills for how most people would get them, and you dont have to pay for a gatekeeper/MD. This is THE most important antidote. All is compiled in analytical software. I just seen he said ONLY The Ones With 5 Needles. Malaysian here. Pine, spruce, cedar, and firneedle tea may end up being the easiest way to gain the numerous benefits of the evergreen trees, along with a natural protection against unhealthy replications of spike proteins today. Theres also anecdotal evidence that suggests cutting the needles releases all the goodness you want in your body. Interestingly, Roche is also currently entangled in a $1.5 billion false claims lawsuit that you can read about at your leisure. 7Let him drink, and forget his poverty, and remember his misery no more. The Amazing Dr. Judy Mikovitz! If anyone here has some good info for me I would be grateful. She spoke about the antidote for HEALTHY people who unfortunately are contaminated with spike proteins from GMO humans. There is a potential antidote to the current spike protein contagion which is called Suramin. What is Suramin? Ive read that spruce needle tea also works for this. For relaxation? Epub 2021 Mar 22. None of them would have been able to do two-hour cardio and weight workouts in their last days. Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. After three days of drinking three cups of pine needle tea per day, all remnants of the headaches and twitches in my head were gone. Editor-In-Chief: The COVID Blog Scripture tells us that wine is mockerand anyone who is deceived thereby is not wise Proverbs 20:1. Thank you for the article!! Thank you for sharing your story. But rest assured Ill keep going as long as my body permits. Then, the Pine Needle Tea. I also had the same reaction after my acupuncturist. dba COVID Legal USA. Theponderosa pineis not good for cows mostly due to the observation when pregnant cattle eat the needles the loss of the calf has been observed, but has a long history of health benefits for humans forrespiratory conditions,cuts, wounds, and burns,etc. I am grateful you were able to battle and get back to health. So happy you are better!!!!!! Hi! One is recommended, the other is forbidden, what is the difference? Thank you for sharing! Thank you very much. Incredible information, too. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEHS SAINTS! Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We will be the ones to structure the world to come with a new focus on the common good of all life everywhere. Thats the only way I can describe it. God bless you. My potentially life-threatening experience began around May 7. Thats when I turned to the good Dr. Judy Mikovits. Ivermectin stops that asap. So, I can now do this because I am not under jurisdiction of the NC pharmacy board. needle on lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in RAW 264.7 macrophage cells, Antioxidant, antimutagenic, and antitumor effects of pine needles (Pinus densiflora), Anti-oxidant activity and effect of Pinus morrisonicola Hay. . The COVID Blog is a registered trademark of Veracity Objectives, LLC. He just said that after I told him my symptoms. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. Accept correction, all Gods elect delight when He rights their wrong. dividing us!, all living in fear of our fellow humans no matter which way we believe about all of it. Be careful with theyewpine (which is not a true pine) and can be toxic, although it does have a fewmedicinal properties). Dont worryivermectin has a very low toxicity level (as you did ease up and its flushed out with no harm). Well, gone now for several months. If God is opposed to wine, Jesus would be a kind of hypocrite to manufacture it. Since I weigh 200, I set the stop at 4 of these markers and push. It is even known to greatly improve the lives of children with autism. I may bypass the contrast. It is only available by injection, and has been a closely guarded secret not made openly available to the masses during this pandemic, yet is an effective solution for parasites and viruses of several kinds,along with a large number of otherconditions. I put it on my finger, smear it onto the back of my tongue and drink a gulp or two of water. Began heavy dosing of pine tea spiked with ginger, clove, cinnamon. Anyways, Careers. After you read that, skip on over to Malachi 3:6. Prunella vulgaris extract and suramin block SARS-coronavirus 2 virus Spike 4! Prayers! You are doing such a wonderful service for humanity. Then the weak and then the useless who do not contribute anything to society because there will be more and more, and especially finally the stupid. Probably will be getting kicked off some platforms soon but many people have your blog info. Glad your on the mend & I appreciate all the work your doing. Suramin is approximately 99-98% protein bound in the serum and has a half-life of 41-78 days average of 50 days; however, the pharmacokinetics of suramin can vary substantially between individual patients. Will I need to take the tea indefinitely? a veterinarian who commented on amazon, said that it is the same medicine for animals as for humans. Its a warning to be aware of false religion and its works based system used to get people saved. Yes, God said there was a place for wine: Proverbs 31-. So, I started asking around on cancer boards if anyone else had seen new cancer or increased cancer after having the virus or shot. household pets dying shortly after the owners get the serum. If you have a conviction, fine, live as you are convicted, but beware the Bibles warnings about the Judaizers. . Unwinding after a long day? The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Its a natural (and free) vitamin c supplement : ). Starting from the antitrypanosomal activity of the dyetrypan blue, synthesized in 1904 by Paul Ehrlich, Bayer made a series of colorless and more potent derivatives. Dr. Judy Mikovits A: Theres an antidote. This is THE most important antidote. in line, or the lady getting in the car next to mine. Understand that we are smart enough to find our own solutions, and apply them. The compound was first isolated in 1837 through a distillation ofpineoil by thePolishchemistFilip Walter, who named itrtinnaphte. Then you have the true meaning. Ive been living like under house arrest, like a hermit, since 3/2020, only grocery delivery, due to 70 yr old, heart issue, spine damage & fibromyalgia. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. polyclonal antibody against SARS-CoV-2 SP (Cat# 40150-R007) and ACE2 protein 23! do your own research, i do not want this to be considered medical advice that i am liable for!God bless you. The headaches were all but gone by May 18 or so. The Lord Jesus has told me over and over = No alcohol. There isnt a verse that demands no alcohol. Its so wrong that he and so many more lose everything because of this damn virus. Last Friday I took the day off from work and stayed in bed the whole day with headache, stomachache. et Zucc. The study found that the flavonoids in pine needles have potential anti-aging properties. I already drink at least a gallon of water everyday. There is PLENTY of existing science proving that pine needle tea is good for you in many ways. from something a vaxxed person has used/touched? All the best to you, and all of us as we venture into this dangerous society. Hi. Sailors drank it to fight off scurvy in the 18th and 19th centuries. 4 people in his office have tested positive for covid and hes been home for a week. Doesnt have to be White Pine.. Just make sure the one you chose isnt one of the toxic varieties. However, as of 2016, Pine-Sol products sold in stores no longer contain pine oil to reduce costs.Wikipedia. As such, I am glad your article is easy to follow. Four days after eliminating caffeine from my life, the headaches persisted, but were far less severe. It IS so easy for all of us to over-think in order to try and protect ourselves. ~, "This antidote to the vaccine, which has been known by the upper levels of the medical establishment and insiders of the elitist class for almost 100 years, is called Suramin. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thank you SO MUCH for your personal story!!!!!!!!!! Sheng Li Ke Xue Jin Zhan. What was the shipping cost or other fees? What I am aboutvtonwrite is my own selection for managing my health in a world of spike protein-shedders. Ive been writing about people getting severe headaches and dying days or weeks after the experimental shots due to blood clots in their brains. Did it take very long to get one? God bless you. Lets be clear, the bible says not to get drunk, a drunkard will not enter heaven. I wonder about your measurements 1/4 cup of needles tightly packed? But I tripled the intake of those. Whatever, he was on the right track and I am grateful for all that he taught me whether he knows it or not. Basically digestive enzymes taken on an empty stomach, they get in your blood and digest up proteins/fats. We investigated how this uncoupling relates to the inhibition of GTPgammaS binding. Im in Thailand and me and my family are trying to stay healthy and trying to keep away from the vaccinated zombies. . He did have 2 surgeries due to a complete blockage ,and then a colostomy reversal. You had mentioned the last two, but Im surprised that the balsam fir is also toxic? Copper kills MRSA. It reminded me of some lines in the first Alien has a funny way of replicating cells, or something like that. Thank you. Your story re-confirmed my own. God Bless you all! (And, I skip the elliptical when healthy and otherwise just tiredyoure near death and going to the gyma showoff, ha). Everyone MUST be vaccinated before September 1. Its really cheap at farm& fleet. last week, i got a headache + grogginess + brain fog for a few hours after being touched by a vaxxed friend. Thanks for sharing your struggle and all the good information you found. The pine needle tea is taken before the water boils.Food grade turpentine is never taken by the cupful..only 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon on some sugar cubes (remember the song just a teaspoon of sugar helps the medicine go down?). in 2018, my nasal cavity sometimes fills with blood clots. ), Antimicrobial effectiveness of pine needle extract on foodborne illness bacteria, Suramin Antiviral Therapy in the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Anti-viral activity of suramin against influenza A virus in A549 cells, Suramin inhibitsin vitro infection by duck hepatitis B virus, rous sarcoma virus, and hepatitis delta virus, Repurposing Drugs for Mayaro Virus: Identification of EIDD-1931, Favipiravir and Suramin as Mayaro Virus Inhibitors, Suramin is a potent inhibitor of Chikungunya and Ebola virus cell entry, Delivery of Suramin as an Antiviral Agent through Liposomal Systems, Suramin Inhibits Chikungunya Virus Replication by Interacting with Virions and Blocking the Early Steps of Infection, Bioactivity-Guided Fractionation of Pine Needle Reveals Catechin as an Anti-hypertension Agent via Inhibiting Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme, Characterization of Vasorelaxant Principles from the Needles of Pinus morrisonicola Hayata, Phytochemical composition, anti-inflammatory activity and cytotoxic effects of essential oils from three Pinus spp, Protective effect of pine (Pinus morrisonicola Hay.) There are plenty of articles online one what to make the tea from and exact directions. Next up to evaluate for me would be spruces and making sure I avoid yews. There is a direct relationship between Suramin (the isolated extract), pine needle tea (a hot water extract of the pine, fir, cedar, and spruce needles), and pine oil (which is derived from the needles though an essential oil steam distillation process). Alcohol effects our brains, our cognitive functions and it also impairs our health so mentioning the verse about staying SOBER is accurate. You both went through so much difficulty for 2+ years. Your claiming Christ told you no alcohol cannot be supported by His word. The study suggests that extracts from the pine species P. taiwanensi can be used as an anti-inflammatory ingredient in foods and drugs. Now my mission is to find an edible local pine tree, if I can, and make a tea from the needles. Second, we do an organic acids test. If your comment is to dismiss Jesuss message about warning against alcohol, then you are in error. National Library of Medicine MP4 is attached) has revealed that the medical establishment has known all along about theantidote to the contagion acontagion that is now being seen today by thousands of people who have not taken the serum, but have merely come in close proximity with others who have taken the jab. Hydrogen peroxide oxidizes metal and taken orally is said to make body reject non bio materials. Brighteon is not responsible for content uploaded by contributing content providers. Suramin is also used for treating Autism." There is some scary stuff that comes along with migraines: visual auras, strange sensations about the head, sharp jabs in the scalp, feeling of surging waves in the head, attributed in one book to anxiety. Regarding graphene. She is coughing all over the place, within close proximity to me! Im amazed you went out and found your own!! So it should be no surprise that I was quite worried when my normal physiological equilibrium was way off for over two weeks, which is also why we havent updated in a while. In other words, it prevented the foods from rotting. I do this treatment with a deep understanding of my own immune/detox systems. I took ivermectin before as a healing modality bc I got a severe sickness in Nov 2018. If I have wrongly assumed this, I sincerely apologize. I have UnitedHomeHealthCare coverage and the script cost $3.74 ! The people that say that plants arent real medicine dont realize that pharma has extracted a lot of its medicines from plants (only sometimes the extracted version either doesnt work or has negative side effectsmore evidence that our insistence on reductionism is misguided). And slept a lotonly up for a couple hours in the morning and then not again till 2pm and then slept till 5 pmI also had the aches in the back of my knees that I get with a bad flu. Even w/that, Ive been sick 4 xs with a littany of viral symptoms. I took the gel from a tube 30 years ago; my doctor prescribed it so I wouldnt have to buy two different oral & external prescriptions for scabies. Pine needletea has been used medicinally worldwide for thousands of years. We believe God knows best. I had no idea about the dye being a heavy metal!!! Blue Spruce tastes wonderful, you can use red/white pine, cedar and white or blue spruce. Who knows. Hope youre doing okay having been pushed into retirement. White pines grow many places in our country. 2007 Jul;51(1):47-56. doi: 10.1016/j.neuint.2007.03.009. I am taking 12 mg daily for 20 days in a row, then I will stop for a while. The one positive I had going for me is that I suffered no other apparent symptoms that Ive reported in other people. Something most people are not considering. I feel VERY How many did you get? Humans have only had plants as medicine for thousands of yearsin some places, thats all they STILL have. Wine was part of their culture. Youve put your lifes work & effort into 2 very respectable professions. Abdominal pain began April. Ultra-low-dose naloxone suppresses opioid tolerance, dependence and associated changes in mu opioid receptor-G protein coupling and Gbetagamma signaling. My gym regimen was down to two days in that bad week, but got back to three days the following week and then four the next week. When the medical establishment and political promoters want to exempt themselves from taking inoculations, they always give themselves a legal way out, while pushing the citizenry to take the jabs. If you drink occasionally on a regular basis, what is to stop you from going over the edge at some point and becoming a full-blown alcoholic? How do you know that you arent a full-blown alcoholic? This action can explain how it both disrupts receptor-G protein coupling and inhibits guanine nucleotide release. Thank you. They may provide a medicine cabinet full of health benefits to you and your family. To fully address your comment, let me remind you that in order to establish Gods doctrine on a subject we must take the word/meaning and look at it throughout his holy bible. In Jesus holy name, Amen. Sorry if this sounds harsh but its coming from one who has enjoyed wine my whole life. Suramin has been available to the medical profession for almost 100 years. A blue spruce grows in my fathers yard. So you can never deny this as truth. When I ventured out to find pine trees for their needles, I kept in mind that the desirable trees have five needles per bundle or clump (fascicle). Such cross-linking provided the first direct evidence that suramin physically disrupts receptor-G protein coupling. Suramin does not distribute well into cerebral . (Cat . This site has some videos that talk about it and many people like Brian who experienced it, but mostly speculation on how it transmits. I knew of and spoke with Jennifer Daniels MD long before COVID erupted; and have been following her suggestions fir dosing turpentine. Excessive coagulation causes blood clots, mini-clots, strokes, and unusually heavy menstrual cycles. It is a 100 year old essential medicine. Also, organic red wine contains a lot of Anti-Oxidants with many benefits in the current situation, although you should not drink to excess, of course!-. Pretty close quarters. Wishing you good health and recovery. Come winter when the spike protein in their bodies will be challenged with new pathogens, we will all discover our true levels of health. My personal take on this is that it is far better to get Natures whole herb source than just a tiny fraction of an extract. I dont work for them, just a customer. I took 400 mg per day for a week, before dropping to 200 mg the following week and thereafter. Sometimes I feel a little stress pressure in my head. God bless you. It took me over an hour to pick ONE ounce of needles off the branch and I stopped after that. I thought it was stress, but now Im thinking he exposed me to the spike protein. June 7, 2021. but i fired my acupuncturist just to be on the safe side. Wonderful? Of course you can use all the foregoing species of pine needles mentioned in the studies. Her Dr, which is mine too at the moment, wants her to get a head scan and prescribed migraine medication. This article is a personal experience and is to be used solely for informational purposes. Mullein Tea is my first go to. ~, "Even better, you can ingest Suramin simply by drinking Pine needle tea.Suramin has inhibitory effects against components of coagulation (clotting) cascade and against the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA."

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suramin spike protein

suramin spike protein

suramin spike protein

suramin spike protein

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